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Pediatric Occupational Therapy

What Is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy focuses on helping children develop the skills needed for the occupations of childhood. Some of these occupations include play, school, socialization, sleep, and self-care. Specific skills we work on include self help skills and hygiene skills, decreasing sensory sensitivities, increasing emotional regulation, promoting functional vision, improving handwriting skills, developing play skills, improving sensory processing skills, improving gross motor skills and the integration of primitive reflexes.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Minnesota

Developmental Milestones

5 to 7 Months

  • Transfers an object from one hand to another

  • Begins to reach forward with both arms

  • Finger feeds

  • Shakes and bangs toys




2 to 3 Years

  • Stacks a tower of six to eight blocks

  • Turns single pages in a book

  • Imitates a vertical line, horizontal line, and circle

  • Strings large beads

  • Holds a crayon with thumb and fingers 

  • Uses scissors to snip paper



5 to 6 Years

  • Completes ten to twenty-five piece interlocking puzzle

  • Copies a triangle

  • Connects two dots with a straight line

  • Uses scissors to cut simple figures

  • Ties laces into a bow

  • Cuts soft food with a safety knife

9 to 12 Months

  • Reaches in all directions 

  • Pokes with index fingers

  • Releases large objects into a large container

  • Assists with cup and spoon feeding

  • Bangs two items together

  • Removes socks


3 to 4 Years

  • Stacks a tower of nine to ten blocks

  • Folds and creases a paper

  • Completes three to eight piece inset puzzle

  • Snaps clothing

  • Uses fork and spoon with little spilling

  • Colors a large image attempting to stay within the lines

1 to 2 Years

  • Points with index finger

  • Places objects into a container

  • Uses both hands together at the middle of their body

  • Scribbles spontaneously 

  • Stacks a two to six cube tower

  • Imitates a vertical line

4 to 5 Years

  • Imitates a four to six block design

  • Copies a diagonal line

  • Imitates an X

  • Draws three parts to a person

  • Buttons from opening clothing

  • Uses scissors to cut out a circle and square


Other Signs To Look For

  • Sensitivity to sensory input (dislikes the feeling of clothes, sounds, smells etc)

  • Difficulty knowing where they are in space- running into other people/objects

  • Excessive need for movement or "crashing" into objects

  • Low frustration tolerance

  • Emotional Outbursts

  • Difficulty maintaining focus/attention

  • Difficulty with fine motor skills

  • The appearance of being "clumsy" or uncoordinated

  • Difficulty with self-care tasks (dressing, brushing teeth/hair, toileting )that same age peers can accomplish

  • Difficulty with peer play and social interactions

During a pediatric occupational therapy evaluation, we assess various areas of a child's development to better understand their unique needs. This includes evaluating:

  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills: Assessing coordination, strength, and movement abilities.

  • Sensory Processing: Understanding how a child responds to sensory input like touch, sound, and movement.

  • Emotional Regulation: Observing how a child manages and responds to emotions.

  • Executive Functioning: Evaluating skills like planning, organizing, and problem-solving.

  • Visual-Motor Integration: Assessing how well a child coordinates visual input with motor skills.

  • Functional Vision: Understanding how well a child can use their vision to perform everyday tasks.

  • Self-Care Skills: Evaluating abilities in tasks like dressing, feeding, and grooming.

  • Handwriting Skills: Assessing legibility, grasp, and coordination needed for writing.

By looking at these key areas, we can create a tailored therapy plan to help the child reach their full potential.

Pediatric Occupational

Need An Evaluation?

Click the link to fill out our request for pediatric therapy evaluation. 

Contact Us

HHH Pediatric Therapy
9457 Hwy 10 NW
Ramsey MN 55303


HHH Pediatric Therapy Ramsey Minnesota
Contact Us Form

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HHH Pediatric Therapy is a growing therapy practice who believes in helping children and families create a beautiful life together, through direct therapeutic intervention and parent education.








8:00 am-6:00 pm

8:00 am-6:00 pm

8:00 am-6:00 pm

8:00 am-6:00 pm



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