Developmental Milestones
5 to 7 Months
Transfers an object from one hand to another
Begins to reach forward with both arms
Finger feeds
Shakes and bangs toys
2 to 3 Years
Stacks a tower of six to eight blocks
Turns single pages in a book
Imitates a vertical line, horizontal line, and circle
Strings large beads
Holds a crayon with thumb and fingers
Uses scissors to snip paper
5 to 6 Years
Completes ten to twenty-five piece interlocking puzzle
Copies a triangle
Connects two dots with a straight line
Uses scissors to cut simple figures
Ties laces into a bow
Cuts soft food with a safety knife
9 to 12 Months
Reaches in all directions
Pokes with index fingers
Releases large objects into a large container
Assists with cup and spoon feeding
Bangs two items together
Removes socks
3 to 4 Years
Stacks a tower of nine to ten blocks
Folds and creases a paper
Completes three to eight piece inset puzzle
Snaps clothing
Uses fork and spoon with little spilling
Colors a large image attempting to stay within the lines
1 to 2 Years
Points with index finger
Places objects into a container
Uses both hands together at the middle of their body
Scribbles spontaneously
Stacks a two to six cube tower
Imitates a vertical line
4 to 5 Years
Imitates a four to six block design
Copies a diagonal line
Imitates an X
Draws three parts to a person
Buttons from opening clothing
Uses scissors to cut out a circle and square
Speech Milestones
12 Months
By 12 months child should say 2-6 words other than "mama" or "dada"
2 Years
​At twenty-four months a child with typically developing language says two hundred to three hundred words.
5 Years
​At five years a child with typically developing language should be able to make the sounds – r, zh
15 Months
​By fifteen months a child says ten different words.​
3 Years
​At thirty-six months a child with typically developing language uses one thousand different words.
At two to three years a typically developing child should be able to make the following sounds– p,b,m,d,t,k.g, w, ng, f, y
6 Years
​At six years a child with typically developing language should be able to make the sounds – th
18 Months
​At eighteen months toddlers with typically developing language use fifty different words
4 Years
​At four years a child with typically developing language should be able to make the sounds – l, j, ch. s, v, sh, z
Gross Motor Milestones
4 to 6 Months
Rolls over (first from tummy to back, then back to tummy).
Sits with support (around 4-5 months), gradually sitting independently by 6 months.
Pushes up on arms when lying on stomach.
Begins to bear weight on legs when standing with support.
1 to 2 Years
Walks independently (by 12-14 months).
Climbs onto furniture and stairs (with support).
Runs with limited coordination (around 18 months).
Kicks a ball forward (around 18-24 months).
4 to 5 Years
Skips (alternating feet while jumping).
Hops on one foot multiple times.
Walks heel-to-toe in a straight line.
Balances on one foot for longer periods (10 seconds or more).
Throws a ball accurately to a target.
7 to 9 Months
Sits independently without support (around 7-8 months).
Crawls (usually begins at 8-9 months).
Bears weight on legs when held in standing position.
Reaches for objects while on tummy and begins shifting weight.
2 to 3 Years
Walks up and down stairs (with help, or alternating feet with support by age 3).
Throws a ball overhand (around 2-3 years).
Jumps with both feet (around 2-3 years).
Balances on one foot briefly (around 3 years).
Runs more confidently, with improved speed and direction control.
5 to 6 Years
Rides a bicycle without training wheels.
Jumps rope.
Improves running, can change direction quickly, and move faster with more control.
Develops stronger coordination in activities such as catching, throwing, or climbing.
10 to 12 Months
Pulls to stand (by holding onto furniture).
Cruises along furniture (walking while holding onto support).
Stands independently briefly.
Takes first steps (typically around 12 months).
3 to 4 Years
Hops on one foot (around 3-4 years).
Walks up and down stairs independently, alternating feet (by age 3).
Pedals a tricycle (around 3-4 years).
Catches a ball with arms outstretched.
Jumps forward with both feet.